Sunday, January 5, 2014

Musings of a Muser Without a Muse: 2014

Hello internet.

I never know how to start these things. Should I apologize for not writing earlier? I meant to, it's just that, you know, I got busy, I didn't know what to say. I started to write something, a hundred times, but every time I hit delete, delete, delete.

Shall we start with some small talk? How was your New Years? Mine was great actually, went out for dinner and a couple drinks with some friends. I didn't stay home this year, like you heard me proclaim I was going to do. How bout this cold front?

I know, I'm being a terrible conversationalist. I've rewritten every paragraph, and it's still terrible. You are a kind and patient listener. I promise that I will reward you with a GIF at the end of this monstrosity of a post if I can figure out how to make one. You'll love it.

I wish I had something to rant or rave about or even something to make you laugh. LOL, at the very least. I'm writing this just to get myself back in the mode of writing. It's been awhile and I miss it so, and one of these days I will please you with a random rambling and make you giggle.

One thing that I will leave you with, my goals for 2014:

1. Pay off my credit card.
2. Organize my apartment so that it's more of a home.
3. Date more.
4. Volunteer.
5. Read 12 books.
6. Fall in love.
7. Connect with friends and family on a weekly basis.
8. Work out twice a week.
9. Give cooking a shot.
10. Keep blogging, write every month.

Okay, so I couldn't figure out how to make a GIF (I spent all of 30 seconds), so here is a video. I tried uploading the video 5 times. Figured out how to make a GIF instead. Love it. Cherish it.

Merci beaucoup mes amis, je vous adore.

À bientôt! xo